Bringing the Globe Closer to Home

Bringing the Globe Closer to Home

Members of the Global Middle Ages network are involved in out-reach activities with schools, colleges and other institutions both in the UK and abroad. Although these activities are not always connected to the Global Middle Ages initiative, we provide links to some of those activities here:

‘Depicting identities in Africa and the UK: learning from the Hausa of West Africa’

Dr Anne Haour (UEA) describes how young people from Nigeria and England have come together to discuss identity-construction and the role of the media in creating and perpetuating stereotypes:

Network Publication: Past & Present Supplement

We are pleased to announce the publication of a supplementary issue of the journal Past & Present on ‘The Global Middle Ages’ – currently accessible online here and available in print soon. Co-edited by Catherine Holmes (Oxford) and Naomi Standen (Birmingham), the supplement applies the study of global history to the pre-modern world through a series of thematic chapters incorporating
a wide range of periods and regions. Read more






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